Just one year ago....

Wow, he has changed so much! I just can't believe that my little guy is already one year old. We had so much fun celebrating his birthday on Monday. We did all of his favorite things. Here is a run down of Jack's big day....
Blueberry pancakes for breakfast!

To Zilker Park for play time...
In the last month, Jack has discovered the wonder of the playground. This, of course, coincided with his ability to walk. The timing could not be more perfect in that it is finally starting to cool down. As you might guess, there are a million playgrounds in Austin. So, Jack and I are on the hunt for the ultimate playground. Right now, Zilker Park tops our list....

Jack is also very into steering wheels. Trains, planes and automobiles....anything with a steering wheel is SO MUCH FUN!

And driving the car....
I would say we log at least 30 minutes a day sitting in the driveway...Jack in the front seat, mommy is the back seat. Blinker on, Blinker off. Wipers on, Wipers off. Lock, unlock, lock, unlock. You get the picture.

Birthday cupcake and candle....
Apparently Jack did not inherit his mommy's sweet tooth because he was not so into his cupcake. That could potentially be the result of the massive plate of Macaroni and Cheese he consumed just five minutes earlier.

And, bath time...
Splashing is always a crowd pleaser.

Good night baby Jack. Happy 1st birthday! The last year has been completely magical. You are the light of our lives and never cease to amaze us with your pure joy, wonder, and curiosity. I cannot wait to explore the world through your eyes. Just think what the next year holds!