Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Quick weekend in Dallas

We headed to Dallas this weekend for a very quick trip.  Unfortunately, I was sick so we had to take it very easy. Here are some highlights from our morning outing to the park on Sunday.

Jack absolutely adores his Papa.  There is no way to describe this bond with words.  These two are attached to each other the entire time we are in Dallas.  And, if Papa steps away for just a moment, the tears start to roll down Jack face.  They have SO much fun together....playing ball, chasing each other around the house, building forts and wrestling.  It is THE BEST!!

It was pretty cold and windy at the park, so Jack borrowed Papa's jacket.
Mama's favorite, the profile shot :)
Jack was exhausted by the time we left and took a serious nap during the drive home.

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